YellowstoneNET’s EPIIC Center

ProJECT Overview

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We are embarking on an EPIIC adventure in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), and we would like you to join us! Ecosystem Prognosis Impacts Information Cooperative (EPIIC) is a project under our new YellowstoneNET program. EPIIC is designed to build a data science center for all the stakeholders of a large regional ecosystem. The objectives of YERC and the EPIIC Center is to discover and deliver raw ecological data.  Monitoring and forecasting systems like RiverNET, LandNET and WildNET produce valuable data streams in our changing world. As the data is incorporated into the workflow process, an extensive array of tools can be used to analyze, transform, and/or amplify the data. Examples of such tools are machine learning, image classification, or scientific research models. After the initial processing is complete, datasets will be made available on the Amphora Data exchange and can be shared in real-time with collaborators. The services provided by EPIIC uses tools for anyone to view, analyse the data, and help everyone feel more connected to the GYE.


Preventive Health Care → Ecosystem health

  • Why preventive health care? → We should look at ecosystem health like preventative healthcare because, it is much more economical to view trends and characteristics first rather than have to pay for the repercussions later.

  • Reflect the characteristics, level, trends, and objectives of ecological development at a certain stage.

Citizen Science

  • Can contribute to the bigger data using data sharing tools.

  • Connects stakeholders and the interested population by being able to see data collected that can be seen in charts of graphs. 

Our Technology

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  • HOBO Sensors

  • Live Camera Traps

  • Soil moisture probes